Loremaster of Kalimdor
** Complete 685 quests in Kalimdor [592 / 685]
Loremaster of Eastern Kingdoms **550/550** 10/01/2010
Loremaster of Outland:
* Shadow of the Betrayer : 64 / 90
On the Blade's Edge: 86/86 ** 11/04/2010
Nagrand Slam: 87/87 ** 05/04/2010
Into the Nether: 120/120 ** 04/04/2010
Terror of Terokkar: 68/68 ** 02/04/2010
To Hellfire and Back : 90/90 ** 20/03/2010
Mysteries of the Marsh : 54/54 ** 15/10/2008
Loremaster of Northrend
* Fo' Grizzle My Shizzle 7 / 75
* The Summit of Storm Peaks 89 / 100
* Icecrown: The Final Goal 93 / 140
The Empire of Zul'Drak: 100/100 ** 18/04/2010
I've Toured the Fjord: 105/105 ** 17/04/2010
Into the Basin: 75/75 ** 06/02/2009
Might of Dragonblight: 130/130 ** 31/12/2008
Nothing Boring About Borean: 150/150 ** 27/12/2008
Glory of the Hero - DONE! - 21/02/2010
ToGo = Drak'Tharon (1), HoS (1)
Consumption Junction
Defeat Trollgore in Drak'Tharon Keep on Heroic Difficulty before Consume reaches ten stacks.
Abuse the Ooze
Defeat Sjonnir the Ironshaper in the Halls of Stone on Heroic Difficulty and kill 5 Iron Sludges during the encounter.
Better Off Dred -- Drak'Tharon - 23/01/2010
Oh Novos! -- Drak'Tharon - 23/01/2010
Respect Your Elders -- Ahn'kahet - 22/01/2010
Volunteer Work -- Ahn'kahet - 22/01/2010
Less-rabi -- Gundrak, 18/01/2010
Ruby Void (The Oculus), 16/01/2010 [Gleich in Kombo mit Emerlad Void] = alles Bronze
Emerald Void (The Oculus), 16/01/2010
Hadronox Denied (Azjol-Nerub),16/01/2010

Watch Him Die (Azjol-Nerub), 16/01/2010

Lodi Dodi We Loves the Skadi (Utgarde Pinnacle), 15/01/2010
My Girl Loves to Skadi All the Time (Utgarde Pinnacle), 15/01/2010
On The Rocks, 15/01/2010 (Utgarde Keep)
Lightning Struck, 11/01/2010
Zombiefest! 11/01/2010

Split Personality, 11/01/2010
Chaos Theory, 11/01/2010

Share The Love, 10/01/2010
Experienced Drake Rider, 10/01/2010
Amber Void, 10/01/2010
Volazj's Quick Demise, 09/01/2010
What the Eck?, 05/01/2010
Good Grief, 02/01/2010
Heroic: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, 02/01/2010
Heroic: The Oculus, 28/12/2009
Make It Count, 28/12/2009
Heroic: Drak'Tharon Keep, 28/12/2009
Heroic: Gundrak, 27/12/2009
Snakes. Why'd It Have To Be Snakes?, 27/12/2009
Heroic: Halls of Stone, 25/12/2009
Brann Spankin' New, 25/12/2009
Heroic: Halls of Lightning, 23/12/2009
Timely Death, 23/12/2009
Shatter Resistant, 23/12/2009
Gotta Go!, 23/12/2009
Intense Cold, 20/12/2009
Lockdown!, 03/08/2009
Dehydration, 03/08/2009
King's Bane, 27/07/2009
Heroic: Azjol-Nerub, 19/07/2009
Heroic: The Culling of Stratholme, 12/07/2009
The Culling of Time, 12/07/2009
A Void Dance, 11/07/2009
Heroic: Utgarde Pinnacle, 02/05/2009
The Incredible Hulk, 02/05/2009
Heroic: The Nexus, 23/03/2009
Heroic: Utgarde Keep, 07/03/2009
Heroic: The Violet Hold, 18/02/2009
Defenseless, 18/02/2009
- Schlüsselmeister:
> Auchenai-Key benötigt Ruf bei Lower City Shattrath) - DONE
-> Reputation (http://www.wowhead.com/?faction=1011)
* Auchenai Crypts, Sethekk Halls, Shadow Labyrinth
* Arakkoa Feather
> Shattered Halls Key (=Quest)
* http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28395
* Quest started by his drop: http://www.wowhead.com/?quest=10754
(Shadowmoon: 4 motes of fire from Enraged Fire Spirits (http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=21061)
* 4 Fel iron bars + 2 Arcane dust.
> Workshop Key (=Drop in Gnomeregan)
* http://www.wowhead.com/?npc=6235
Classic Dungeonmaster -- 29/01/2010 -- DONE
Deadmines - Todesminen (Westfall. main entrance is located in the town of Moonbrook) - DONE
Zul'Farrak (Tanaris) - DONE
* Blackrock Depths - Schwarzfelstiefen (BRD)
* Stratholme (Pestländer)